Well, internet, I have been holding out on you. Ok, that's not true, b/c facebook has known since last Monday evening. But my faithful blog readers (all 4 of them) deserve to know the truth:
I am engaged! (this picture is proof, taken minutes after the actual event)
How did this happen? you might be asking yourself. Well, last Monday after work, I was surprised. I have yoga on Mondays, so I stay downtown, normally going to the Brew to read a book. On this particular Monday, James and I were meeting up to get wedding presents at 10 Thousand Villages for our friends who are getting married these next two weekends. After this, we walked over to the Brew. James declined to come inside with me, instead handing me a note in an envelope and biking away like a flash.
I opened the note, finding a memo proclaiming me a winner of free coffee at the Brew (in the form of a $5 bill in the memo). It then stated that I had to complete a task to get to the next step of the journey: find another note hidden for me in the Brew and follow the directions inside. I knew exactly where the note was hiding--in a drawer in a nearby table, and upon finding it, opened another envelope that contained a map of a small part of Goshen, with a red X labeled "meet me here after yoga" Unfortunately, I am a map-reading failure and definitely had to call James at this point to ask him to direct me to where I needed to go.
Then I had to go to yoga, still unsure if the actual proposal was coming, or if this was only one step of the process. Needless to say, my yoga poses were not very focused that evening. I then biked to the agreed location on the mill race, to find a picnic laid out--two glasses of wine, one chunk of free co-op cheese stolen from The Spain's refrigerator, and flower spread across a fitted bed sheet with a bunny print. Still not knowing what was going on, I remained my sarcastic and joky self until James was finally able to get serious:
J: So, we spent a lot of time together last week (@ 2 family reunions), and I thought it went really well. And I know that I want to be with you for a long time.
E: How long exactly?
J: Oh you know....for the rest of our lives! (pulls out the ring, which is still in the small plastic ziploc bag we got when we bought it) Will you....
E: Yes!
J: *rolls eyes b/c I have beat him to the question* will you....let me borrow your car tomorrow?
E: *nods head and waits impatiently*
J: Will you marry me?
So there you have it folks, the story in its full glory. Don't ask me about wedding dates or anything else, my brain is worried about moving to Denver right now. However, we are looking at late July/early August '09 when my brother returns from SST. The wedding will definitely be in Goshen, hopefully at Assembly. And now...back to thinking and planning this move to Denver that is happening next week.