Salad, homemade bread w/ apricot pineapple or raspberry rhubarb preserves, chicken, roast beef, mashed potatoes, homemade buttered noodles, green beans, marshmallow fluff, and peanut butter, fresh raspberry, and fresh peach pie. Heavenly. The food was amazing, we all ate our fill, and enjoyed just being together.
Friday morning started out like my favorite kind of Goshen morning--at everyone's favorite greasy spoon breakfast place, the County Seat. Before James and I started dating, we met for several friend dates there, eating breakfast and chatting. So it was really awesome to return on the day before our wedding. This time we invited James' parents, Drew & Justine, and my mom (b/c my dad and brother weren't in town yet). Delicious. I ate eggs and homemade raisin toast & a few bites of the famous fritz special from James' plate. :) Yum.
Then we went separate ways to unload stuff at the cabin/set up the church. When I arrived at the church, there were quite a few there to help. James alerted me that one of the sanctuary's windows was broken. He approached me a little hesitantly, not knowing how to tell someone about a broken window in the very same place we were getting married. But I just suggested putting a plant in front of it. We all spent a decent amount of time picking up glass shards to make sure no one cut their feet, and within 20 minutes one of the church members was cutting plywood to fit in the window. It looked fine. I got so overwhelmed at this point b/c it seemed so real, finally. All these people were there to set up the church for us. So I hugged everyone, and we got everything set up, from the candles and vase on the altar to the rows of chairs to the hymnals in...45 minutes! Awesome.
We went to the cabin to meet the rental delivery guys, and to watch in awe as they raised a huge 50x70 foot tent in the air. When it didn't fit in its original spot, the guys were a bit apprehensive, but were reassured when James' uncle jokingly yelled, "The bride says it's ok!" I couldn't be bothered to care too much.
James and I snuck off to eat Chief ice cream for lunch. chocolate chip.
We checked into our completely lovely B&B right on the Millrace, then went back to the church to figure out the reserved seats for everyone so we were prepped for the rehearsal. Then I went off to do a makeup trial with my cousin at another cousin's house. Fun to hang out with them and even got to catch a glimpse of my first cousin once removed, Roman.
The rehearsal went so well! James and I came early to let our musician friends in, and almost cried 5x when we heard our processional song, "One Voice" by the Wailin' Jennys, sung by two housemates of mine and accompanied on guitar by one of James' housemates. [As an added bonus, Pink Menno used this song for a video they made--one subtle way to sneak in our Pink Menno convictions/involvement] They practiced together for the first time that day, as they live in Virginia, Alaska, & Indiana, respectively. Amazing. When we practiced, I think we all teared up. So beautiful. Everything seemed so organized. It was great to have another good friend, Sarah, help get the processional organized and properly timed. Yet another time that our amazing friends shined!
Then off the rehearsal dinner, followed by James and I a) forgetting gifts we still needed to give out at the rehearsal dinner location and b) realizing that I should probably pick up my dress from my aunt & uncle's house. Finally, we got to the B&B and James headed to a bar downtown for his bachelor time, and I hung out at the B&B with my amazing women. We had a great time. I hadn't seen many of them in a year (since Kyle & Christy's wedding), but it just seemed normal to be all together again. Lovely. They put me to bed with a full body massage, and played rock paper scissors to see who got to sleep in the bed with me. :)
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